Common Misconceptions

BOWENWORK is not massage……
Rubbing or even prolonged touching around a recently performed Bowen move may interfere with its effectiveness. The moves are no deeper than the fascia of superficially accessible muscles and only gentle pressure is needed.


BOWENWORK is not acupressure…….
Some areas of focus will coincide with acupuncture points as the latter are so numerous but it is not acupressure.


BOWENWORK is not chiropractic…..
There is no adjustment of bony structure. Most therapists and many clients observe vertebral movement but this is evidence of the body re-aligning itself.


BOWENWORK is not directional energy work…….
Energy work may be intrusive and may focus excessively on accomplishing the desired result, which may or may not coincide with the client’s needs. In contrast, Bowenwork therapists are encouraged to focus only on doing a precise movement accurately and then physically leave the room.


BOWENWORK is not physiotherapy or neuromuscular re-education…….
Physiotherapy addresses the client with a variety of exercises and therapies that target specific problems. It is believed that it is the techniques that produce the results. In contrast Bowenwork is a series of moves that are believed to stimulate the body to solve its own problems.


BOWENWORK is not trigger-point therapy…….
Some points are unavoidably similar but most trigger points are found in the center of muscle whereas Bowen moves are done largely where there are two muscles or muscle groups overlap.


BOWENWORK is not fascia release…….
With each Bowen move the fascia is minutely disturbed but not forcefully separated. After a series of Bowenwork sessions, adhesions may loosen and scar tissue may soften as it stimulates the natural healing process.


BOWENWORK is not lymphatic massage…….
it does stimulate lymphatic releases; sinuses may drain during the session and breast lumps have been reported to reduce within two weeks. Bowenwork does not, however, use vigorous stroking or lymphatic massage.


BOWENWORK is not an emotional release discipline…….
The intent of a Bowen session is not to effect emotional releases but many report that the most striking result of the work is a lightening of their spirits and subtle but pervasive refocusing of troublesome emotional patterns. Many therapists consciously focus on this interface between the physical and the emotional, trying to touch on what is hidden behind a protective wall of tense musculature; Bowenwork confirms that the best access is gained by the least threatening approach.

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